As part of the recent ANPOR conference, I presented a workshop on the types of research methods and articles that we would like to include in AJPOR. In particular, we are interested in articles that include quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and many new research methods. We are also interested in some different types of articles. However, all articles, no matter what methodology, must have a public opinion focus.
Quantitative Methods. Traditionally, survey research has been a primary method for public opinion. We expect survey research articles to continue to be submitted. We encourage survey research articles that include multiple countries or multiple time periods. AJPOR has not received many survey experiments, and they are certainly welcome. In addition, we would like to see articles that focus on research methods, such as the effect of survey mode or question order on public opinion measurement.
Qualitative Methods. AJPOR has published many articles that use qualitative methods but they have primarily been interviews. Other qualitative methods such as focus group research, ethnographies, photovoice, and community based participatory research are welcome and desired. Qualitative studies provide in-depth understandings and are a valuable contribution to our understanding of public opinion.
Other Types of Articles. We would like to publish more book reviews. Research notes can provide useful information for both academic and applied researchers. We also welcome articles that summarize published research on a particular topic in public opinion.
Desired Article Format. We especially encourage shorter articles. Short articles are easier to read and are more likely to be read. They can be reviewed more easily and are easier on the AJPOR staff to prepare for publishing. Many articles can be shortened by limiting the citations to those that are needed for the article and by not repeating information across different parts of the article. In addition, a careful proofing of the text for English comprehension should be done before submitting articles. Careful review of the English by authors makes the reviewing and publishing process easier.
Public opinion research methods continue to evolve. I hope that the authors who submit to AJPOR will contribute to the evolution through articles with many types of research methods.
Biographical Note
John Kennedy directed the Indiana University Center for Survey Research for 24 years. He also directed the University of Hartford Institute of Social Research for two years and was employed at the US Census Bureau for four years. He earned a PhD in sociology from the Pennsylvania State University. He has been involved in the development of a number of professional journals and was the founding editor of Survey Practice, an e-journal published by the American Association for Public Opinion Research. He has also been actively involved in professional research ethics including chairing Indiana University Social Behavioral IRB for 12 years and he served on two committees that revised the American Sociological Associations Code of Ethics. He teaches a graduate course in Survey Design.
He can be reached at Smith Research Center 123, 2805 E 10th St, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408 or by e-mail at