This issue has two special topics. First, two articles demonstrate how new research techniques can help further public opinion research in Asia. Second, eight articles focus on research related to COVID-19 in Asia. When the managing editor and I were organizing the issue for publication, we considered including some COVID-19 articles in the new methods section but ultimately decided to keep the topics separate. This issue has the most articles AJPOR has published in one issue.

This issue would not be possible without the hard work of many people involved in AJPOR. Of course, the authors are the most responsible for the issue, but the co-editors, reviewers, the managing editor, and some help from a new copy editor all contributed to the issue. The Scholastica crew deserves our thanks, too. They were very helpful in putting together the issue in a short time.

Social and behavioral researchers across the world have been researching various aspects of COVID-19 to understand the impact on those affected, the impact of government actions, and the conditions that may lead to better outcomes for this pandemic and for future pandemics. This issue of AJPOR demonstrates that Asian public opinion researchers are contributing significantly to the global growth of knowledge on the behavioral and policy challenges to solving problems related to the pandemic. We expect more COVID-19 articles for the next issue, too. As we learn more, researchers can build on prior work but add more timely information and data.

What I found most interesting as the editorial team worked through developing the issue were the variety of methods used to conduct the research – from large scale surveys such as KAMOS to a small scale qualitative research note on patient reactions to COVID-19 diagnoses. The wide variety of methods used and the number of countries included in the research can contribute to helping policy makers understand what is really happening to their citizens and how to better protect their citizens. By comparing across countries, similarities and differences in the effects on the citizens, and the impact of different policies, this research can benefit not only Asian countries but also be used across the world.

The two methods papers focus on two difficult and important topics – the veracity of politicians and foreign direct investments. Long after the pandemic is behind us, these two topics will remain. The COVID-19 papers are important for right now and the near future. Certainly, some information from them will be valuable in the future. The methods papers help us understand important issues that are current but will continue to be researched in the near and far future. The methods and COVID-19 articles demonstrate again the value of AJPOR.

This issue is truly important for so many reasons. Thank you again for all who contributed.

Biographical Note

John Kennedy directed the Indiana University Center for Survey Research for 24 years. He also directed the University of Hartford Institute of Social Research for two years and was employed at the US Census Bureau for four years. He earned a PhD in sociology from the Pennsylvania State University. He has been involved in the development of a number of professional journals and was the founding editor of Survey Practice, an e-journal published by the American Association for Public Opinion Research. He has also been actively involved in professional research ethics including chairing Indiana University Social Behavioral IRB for 12 years and he served on two committees that revised the American Sociological Associations Code of Ethics. He teaches a graduate course in Survey Design.

He can be reached at Smith Research Center 123, 2805 E 10th St, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA or by e-mail at