Subscale No. items Cronbach’s α M SD Skewness Kurtosis
Predisposing contingent factors
Perceived cultural characteristics of the local government
Openness and expertise 7 .91 3.23 .65 -.10 -.12
Hierarchy and regulation 3 .75 3.21 .56 .24 .68
Perceived social characteristics of the local government leader
Communication and social responsibility activities 5 .91 3.07 .81 .07 -.06
Law compliance
Political orientation
Perceived managerial leadership style of the local government leader
Transformational leadership 4 .94 2.95 .86 -.05 -.13
Transactional leadership 3 .81 2.89 .66 -.05 1.04
Situational contingent factors
Perceived citizenship 5 .87 3.26 .63 -.04 .58
Perceived severity of the COVID-19 issue 3 .87 4.16 .74 -.84 .68
Perceptions of functional characteristics of a city
Perceived city characteristics
Ecological infrastructure 4 .70 2.98 .67 -.04 .14
Cultural infrastructure 3 .84 3.31 .78 -.16 -.05
Living infrastructure and city competitiveness 8 .92 3.31 .79 .00 -.15
City image
City image
Leading 9 .95 3.18 .79 -.03 -.05
Safe 3 .87 3.31 .73 -.06 .25