Variables Beta t Tolerance VIF
Control variables Age .06** 3.52 .89 1.13
Education -.04* -2.56 .96 1.04
Period of residence -.05** -2.99 .87 1.15
Contingent factors [Local gov.] Openness and expertise .09** 3.46 .36 2.78
[Local gov.] Hierarchy and regulation -.04 -1.71 .59 1.69
[Leader] Communication and social responsibility activities -.02 .60 .24 4.14
[Leader] Law compliance -.09*** -3.82 .44 2.25
[Leader] Political orientation .06** 3.45 .86 1.16
[Leader] Transformational leadership .13*** 3.61 .20 5.13
[Leader]Transactional leadership .06** 2.65 .47 2.13
[Situational] Perceived citizenship .07** 3.30 .57 1.75
[Situational] Perceived severity of the COVID-19 issue -.01 -.28 .89 1.16
Functional characteristics of a city Environmental infrastructure -.02 -.87 .74 1.36
Cultural infrastructure .03 1.36 .63 1.60
Living infrastructure and city competitiveness .68*** 30.13 .50 2 .01