Items Facebook (n = 247) Instagram (n = 631)
M (SD) Loadings M (SD) Loadings
When I look at other people’s wonderful lifestyles, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 1.85 (1.34) .863 2.84 (1.75) .859
When I look at good thigs that other people have, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 1.69 (1.23) .861 2.35 (1.59) .828
When I look at other people’s good appearances or physical conditions, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 2.02 (1.42) .877 2.88 (1.79) .841
When I look at other people’s hard-working lives, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 2.07 (1.49) .848 3.10 (1.87) .826
When I look at other people’s achievements or successes, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 2.15 (1.52) .845 3.07 (1.84) .824
When I look at other people’s extended interpersonal relationships, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 1.87 (1.35) .782 2.49 (1.69) .798
When I look at other people’s popularities, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 1.80 (1.33) .852 2.27 (1.55) .799
When I look at other people’s happy daily lives, I compare them to my relatively poor situation. 1.76 (1.32) .874 2.27 (1.55) .821
Eigenvalue 5.788 5.440
% of Total Variance 72.347 68.005
Cronbach’s α .94 .93